montan zentrum dorfplatz
montan zentrum dorfplatz

Montagna village

The village of Montagna, protected by Castle d’Enna, is the seat of the municipality

If you drive up the Dolomite road, coming from Ora, you pass the village of Montagna. An eye-catcher in this area is Castel d'Enna, located above the village. Surrounded by vineyards, Montagna (500 m a.s.l.), is located in a rather sheltered position, under the Cislon mountain.

In the historic centre, there is a neo-Romanesque church, dedicated to S. Bartolomeo, the steeple of which dates back to the 12th century.

Another highlight close to the village of Montagna is Castelfeder, a porphyry rock, on which you can admire the remnants of a Roman castle. Above all in spring and autumn, this area is a very popular excursion destination. The view from this place is particularly impressive.

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Montagna village: Holiday package vitrine

Suggested accommodation: Montagna village

  1. Residence Hof am Keller
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    Residence Hof am Keller

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