margreid magre
margreid magre


Ancient alleys, manors and farmhouses characterise the village of Magrè

At the bottom of the Favogna mountain lies Magrè, another pretty hamlet boasting the oh-so typical southern flair. Here you will find the oldest vine of South Tyrol, which has been growing since 1601 already. Where to find it? Ask for an alley called "Vicolo dei Conti".

As you might have imagined already, the village with its ancient lanes, mansions and farmhouses lives above all from fruit growing and vines. While the orchards are situated in the wide valley basin of the Val d'Adige, the vineyards are found on the sunny slopes of Monte Favogna.

Adventurers can look forward to a special kind of experience: the climbing route on Monte Favogna. All we say is: it is worth all efforts!

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