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Magrè village

Magrè sulla Strada del Vino is a pretty village located at the foot of the Monte Favogna

Magrè is a pretty village located along the South Tyrolean Wine Road. The river that runs through the centre of Magrè is called Favogna. The village harkens back on a history that dates back to the age of the Romans, which is proven by archaeological findings made in this area.

The narrow alleys and the lordly buildings with Gothic or Baroque decorations and construction elements of the Renaissance period characterise the aspect of the village. The construction method of the residences is rather Mediterranean, boasting inner courtyards, stairs, windows with double arches, stone curbs, gates, doors and fountains. One of these buildings is the birthplace of the painter Karl Anrather, an artist of South Tyrol of the second half of the 19th century.

Magrè is surrounded by vineyards and apple trees, the area is steeped in history regarding agriculture. At the facade of the Feichter residence in the Vicolo dei Conti, the oldest grapevine of South Tyrol grows up the wall. Planted in 1601, still today it brings forth 80 kg of grapes. Sports enthusiasts can look forward to the fixed rope route Magrè-Favogna in the south of the village, a breathtaking challenge that provides a great view.

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Magrè village: Holiday package vitrine

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