Gand weinsrasse
Gand weinsrasse


Ganda connects Pianizza di Sopra with Appiano and is a separate district of this municipality

It was not until the 2nd half of the 20th century that the first houses were built in today's Ganda, which connects the Caldaro district of Pianizza di Sopra with Appiano. Ganda is divided into Ganda di Sotto and Ganda di Sopra, the settlement is located on a pile of boulders.

The district does not have any historical buildings, but there is evidence that the area has been settled for a long time.

Above Ganda, in the direction of the Mendola ridge, is the wooded Mt. Ganda, a popular destination for hikers and mountain bikers. Ganda is also the place, where you can explore the famous Ice Holes, a soothing refreshment in summer and absolutely worth a visit!

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Ganda: Holiday package vitrine

Suggested accommodations: Ganda

  1. Guesthouse Penegalblick
    Guesthouse Penegalblick
    Guest house

    Guesthouse Penegalblick

  2. Guesthouse Steingarten
    Guesthouse Steingarten
    Guest house

    Guesthouse Steingarten

Tips and more infos