RS bozen dr streiter gasse bolzano fischbaenke
RS bozen dr streiter gasse bolzano fischbaenke

Historical places

Bolzano has many special places to offer which tell about the long and eventful history of the main town of South Tyrol

Old squares, many churches, alleys in the centre which were named after medieval professions and artistic details on the façades of the residences invite to an interesting discovery tour through the old town of Bolzano. Already in the Middle Ages it was an important trade centre between the North and the South. Did you know that the remains of a town gate are still visible? That Casanova was once visiting the town? And that also the Holy Grail is involved in Bolzano's history?

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    History of Bolzano

    Bolzano is the provincial capital of South Tyrol, which officially bears the name…
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    Via Bottai (Cooper Alley)

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    Medieval Arcades

    The history of the famous Bolzano Arcades, today a popular shopping street, dates…
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    The Via Museo road with the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology connects the Talvera…
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    Via della Mostra

    The Via della Mostra, the richest alley of the town, is lined by pompous palaces,…
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    In the Via Argentieri alley there’s the Mercantile Museum which tells of Bolzano as…
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    Piazza Domenicani (Dominican Square)

    Only a few metres from the Walther Square there’s the Dominican Square with its…
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    Piazza del Grano (Grain Square)

    In the oldest part of Bolzano, at the Piazza del Grano with the Vicolo della Pesa…
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    Piazza delle Erbe (Herbs' Square)

    The Herbs’ Square, called Obstmarkt, goes back to the year 1277: For 500 years…
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    Piazza del Municipio (Townhall Square)

    The Townhall Square with its neo-baroque town hall is home to the traditional…
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    Piazza della Vittoria (Victory Square)

    The Piazza della Vittoria square with its eponymous monument near the Talvera…
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    Piazza Walther (Walther Square)

    On the central square, the Piazza Walther von der Vogelweide, there are the…
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    Le Malgreien - that’s the historical name - includes parts of the quarters…

Suggested accommodations

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