kaltern st nikolaus caldaro s nicolo
kaltern st nikolaus caldaro s nicolo

S. Nicolò

The pilgrimage site S. Nicolò (569 m a.s.l.) is the uppermost part of Caldaroa and is located on the Mendola road

Once upon a time, the village below the Mendola mountain ridge used to be called Montevino and Muntfein. Later, the patron saint of the church in the village was used to designate the place.

The church of S. Nicolò has a special characteristic. The two steeples were built out of necessity. The older steeple would have collapsed in the course of time when ringing the bell, the second was built at the end of the 19th century. It looks different than the first one, it is roofed with shingles and has porphyry walls. In the church, there is a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary, that started crying in 1733 in one of the nearby houses. Since that point of time, again and again people have pilgrimaged to this place to admire the picture.

S. Nicolò is located on the road to the Passo Mendola, that is to say why the inhabitants of the village are considered to have a special relationship to people in the Val di Non valley.

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