neumarkt dorf egna paese
neumarkt dorf egna paese

Egna village

Egna village is the principal settlement of the municipality. The historical centre is famous for its buildings with arcades

Already in the Middle Ages, Egna used to be a centre between north and south. The reason was its central position on the Via Claudia Augusta. Archaeological findings of the '80s again emphasised the importance of Egna in history.

The centre of Egna is an example for a particularly attractive village from an architectonic viewpoint. Its strong points are emphasised by its position in agricultural green. Above all the facades and arcades boast the Venetian construction style. Bays, little shops and beautiful inner courtyards are really worth to be taken a closer look at. It is not for nothing that Neumarkt is on the list of the most beautiful places in Italy. Under the arcades, there is also the "Museum für Alltagskultur", that is to say the museum for everyday culture, exhibiting items of daily use of people living in this area. At the end of the arcades there is the parish church of Egna, dedicated to S. Nicolò.

Egna is the central place of the Bassa Atesina, history has an important role to play, and so have sports and leisure activities. However, also wine connoisseurs' and gourmets' hearts leap for joy in Egna. This is where the grapes of the Pinot Nero grow, to the honour of which the "Pinot Nero Days" are organised every year again. The Arcade Festival "Laubenfest" and the South Tyrol Running Tour at the end of August are further events that cast a spell over visitors.

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Egna village: Holiday package vitrine

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