RS kurtinig bei kellerei zemmer kupelwieser
RS kurtinig bei kellerei zemmer kupelwieser

Wineries in Cortina all’Adige

The small village of Cortina all’Adige with its 650 inhabitants also features wineries and wine-growing estates

  • Wine-growing estate Martin Teutsch
    Via Josef Noldin road 1
    39040 Cortina all'Adige
    phone: +39 333 8802496

  • Wine-growing estate Peter Zemmer (in the picture)
    Wine Road 24
    39040 Cortina all'Adige
    phone: +39 0471 817143

  • Wine-growing estate Fritz Kupelwieser
    Wine Road 24
    39040 Cortina all'Adige
    phone: +39 0471 809240

  • Wine-growing estate Castelfeder - Winery
    Via Franz Harpf road 15
    39040 Cortina all'Adige
    phone: +39 0471 820420

  • Wine-growing estate Castelfeder - Wine Shop
    Via della Madonna road 8/1
    39044 Egna
    phone: +39 0471 812928

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